Monday, February 21, 2011

meaning is ----

I wish to be what is needed.
To stand
as a pillar of devoted love
willing to remain forever.
I wish I could fulfill.
To properly display
how much joy is brought
through word and deed.
I wish the love I offer to be enough.
To be a constant comrade
guiding, listening, confiding
and loving.
I wish to eradicate sorrow.
To squash the hurt
from conflicting desires.
I wish for understanding.
To meet,
and love.

Take away the words.
Contradict and undermine their meaning.
But love can never be vanquished or dispersed.
Love is unconditional.
Love is everlasting.
Love IS.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A buttered croissant
smothered in sugary glaze
begging to enter your longing mouth
and invigorate your pleasure-buds.

A turned-down bed
layered with luxuriously soft sheets
beckoning your chilled and weary body
to be wrapped in a carefree cocoon.

A glowing screen
radiating entertainment
into your monotonous life
for mindless escape.

A bottle of ruby wine
elegantly streaming from the neck
into your empty glass
seducing your lusty lips and focused mind

A willing body
standing exposed
reaching and caressing
for your lonely heart.

An empty page
watching and waiting
open to exploration
of your inner self.

An insatiable craving
for fleeting opportunities
to please and satisfy,
but only wanting more.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

with my soul

Sitting in the pew,
knocked with convictions,
battered with guilt,
plagued with inadequacy,
I acknowledge:
I am a failure.

Sudden peace.
Unexpected tranquility.

Christ spoke in the stillness:
‘it is well. I love you.
I created you
and died to set you free.
Your failure makes My joy greater
and more authentic
in your victories.
You are my child.
I love you unconditionally,
and you are perfect in My sight.’

Anguish and despair are death
and through Christ, death is conquered.
Death, where is thy victory?
Where is thy sting?
In Christ I have my victory,
and I will defeat the despair of this world
in whatever guise or deception
it schemes.

Christ is my strength.
and Our unity is love.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ours - 4/4

I close my eyes and let go
but I feel your hand
your arms
your embrace
your love
refusing to let me go.
You pull me out.
The sink-hole behind us,
you help me stand
and continue to shock me.

You hand me a vase,
entirely empty aside from a gem-shaped you.
And for the first time,
I feel whole. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ours - 3/4

My vase is gone.
I no longer have the capacity to exist.
My tears soak the earth,
softening the dirt into mud,
mud into quicksand,
consuming the gems.

I plunge my hands deep into the mud,
desperately grasping for what is fleeting,
what I am losing
what is gone.

I begin to sink.

I cease to struggle.
I did this to myself.
I wanted more Earth
and now I will drown in it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ours - 2/4

I have a confession. I did not want it.
I abhorred that vase. I felt trapped by its contents.
I wanted to take out the gems and replace them with dirt.
I needed more Earth. I needed more me. I needed more free.
So I did something drastic.
I dropped it.
Threw it.
Chunks of fragmented generosity strewn upon the Earth.
Unrecognizable. Gone. Forever.
I got what I wanted,
gems amidst dirt,
strewn about like mulch:
an image of life begotten unto death to make way for the new.