Friday, January 14, 2011


My heart
is not my own.
It is big, expansive, consuming;
consuming others in its love.
Devouring them
with a voracious
appetite of love.
It spreads itself
on all my human hopes
and dreams and lusts.
And all seems well.
Until they walk away
and nothing is left
but starvation.


  1. I like this one. A lot. <3 Love as hunger. Hmm. Insightful, Grayling. :]

  2. This makes me sad too. But I still like it. There's a lot of painful beauty in your observations, Grant. You see love and longing at the same time. And I really get this one, because it's something I've felt but never been able to explain, and you put it into glorious words.

  3. Thank you Laura! That means a lot to me!
